Friday, January 2, 2009

A change would do you good..

Today is like any other day. Rushed to work, and managed to beat the traffic to be at the desk before 9am.
 And as usual, being the first to arrive, it's routine to lay out what's gonna be news on the table.
My boss came in sometime around 11am to select the stories for the current pages. We decided to use a piece from the Seremban bureau as our lead and two stories from our reporter on the same day.
I was handed the task to chair our section meeting for the first time. And for 10 months, I saw how things were handled by the bosses. 
To me, it was no sweat. Although the task was to keep the desk together, updated about their tasks and commitment, I got the ball rolling by thanking the New Year team who put up such a good show. 
Motivation is very important. I have a young team and I felt that if they are properly nurtured, guided and motivated, this professional working relationship will go a long way.
So far, the Metro team is one of the best I've ever collaborated with. They are sharp, committed and dedicated. 
Anyone who lacked this would be very jealous. At the meeting, I injected some humour and while we were at it, I also jotted down the reporter's progress and what story ideas they have.
Along with the section head, deputy and another senior reporter, I co-manage the desk. I get plenty of cooperation from the reporters and with this, I think it's fuel to lead the game and leave the competition far behind.
Later in the afternoon, an old friend dropped by for tea. He had just retired from the job and told me that the folks at the old workplace were uncertain. 
He said they were an unhappy lot. I don't blame them because they don't get any year-end rewards. And right at the beginning of a new CEO's tenure, cost cutting measures were put into place.
I told him the establishment's business had gone from bad to worse and now that he is out of the loop, he could look forward to some rest and soul searching.
I can't help the others whom I have left behind. They have to fend for themselves. Its just too bad that the company is runned by worthless ninkampoops. 
After showing him to the newsroom, I went back to check on the pages. The first three was ready and well, the usual procedure was to show it to the bosses. 
Now, something took a turn on my company's affairs. Seems that there is a change in the board of directors. I am so low down the line, I don't think I would directly affected.
The head honcho who led the company for more than 25 years has served his notice. He gave six months. This meant drastic changes will take place.
My big boss confirmed this and all I can say is: 'Sit and watch'. In a change or regime, some folks will shine and others will vie for a slot with the 'in-crowd'.
But like I said, I have no part in this. I do what I have to do - to make a living. That's all. So, in the months to come, things are going to be very very interesting.

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