Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Squid trip - plan B

Three more days.That's how much longer I must wait to get a taste of the salt spray from the South China sea. But as my
squid-jigging trip draws closer, I can sense that its just gonna be me and my Japanese squid buddy Ryota
Hazishume. I've planned this since late last year and had secured a boat which I would gladly share with Ryota-san. Initially,
we had two more people on the list but I guess my other friend is going to stand me up big time.My only hope now, is to split the cost with Ryota and I guess we are gonna pull through. The fewer people the
better but when it comes to cost, it will take a bite out of my wallet.But since I was rather prudent on last month's spending, the cost would be easily offset by some money stashed
aside for this.Hopefully, things would turn out fine. In the east coast, the ChanHom tropical storm had battered Vietnam's coast
and the winds have blown down to Sabah.Windy conditions are expected to last till Sunday. So, with the weather forecast in view, we'll have to see if the
beginning of the squid season can land us a good catch or otherwise.

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